We have all experienced distressing events or periods of time throughout our lives. Often, we can become accustomed to minimising what has occurred; telling ourselves that it is "normal" or it "wasn't that bad".
Trauma responses are the involuntary physiological changes that occur within your body and mind when you feel threatened. These responses exist to keep you safe. They prepare you to face, escape, or hide from any real or perceived danger.
TRTP is a unique and comprehensive process which resolves distressing events that lead to symptoms such as anxiety, depression, fears, overwhelm, phobias and more. It achieves incredible and lasting results quickly, effectively and safely in 3 stages. TRTP is not talk therapy. During this process, there is no need to deep dive into the dreadfulness of past events.
Experts such as Dr Peter Levine, Bessel van der Kolk, Babette Rothschild and Pat Ogden all agree that trauma (distressing events experienced throughout your life) are stored in the unconscious AND also in your body. They all agree that in order for this to be resolved:
the person must (somehow) be moved to an empowered position in regards to the traumatic event or events.
the body must (somehow) know that the event or events are over.
TRTP takes this a step further, with the belief that the body and the unconscious must also know that it is safe now; knowing that the event or events are over.
Using deep imagination, this process focuses on where distressing events are stored; in your unconscious.
Initially any disempowering unconscious core beliefs you may have are worked on. These unconscious core beliefs are what have kept you stuck in patterns of disempowering thoughts, emotions and/or behaviours.
During the next stage, the emotional charges from these events are removed.
Once there is no more emotional charge, your sympathetic nervous system can return to calm.
You automatically shift from any current trauma response you may be experiencing into an empowered, self-regulated state. The memory of that event (or events) are firmly placed in the past. Calm returns on all levels and symptoms ease or cease altogether.
The final stage is experiencing the future! When you are “stuck” reliving past distressing events, you don't have an opportunity to even think about your future. Now, it's your time to begin to embrace what your future could be!
TRTP isn’t the “end”, it’s merely the beginning of being able to effectively move beyond the distressing events and embrace your life in an empowered state.
This journey is an investment in you.
At the end of these sessions together, you will be equipped with the tools necessary to maintain your well-being. TRTP is extremely safe and effective and can be completed either in person or via Zoom. It is highly effective via Zoom due to the use of headphones.
I offer Obligation Free "Discover TRTP Chats" as an opportunity to discuss whether or not this is for you.